
Scroll down to see the projects Mario has taken a lead role in.


From 03/2021 to 06/2021, Mario worked as a consultant on a proposed 10.5 ft x 60 ft span steel-bridge to be located near Laytonville, CA.

As a consultant, Mario developed: a HEC-RAS hydraulic model, report, contract, invoice, and budget to estimate the impact of the prosed bridge on Streeter Creek under the 1-percent Annual Exceedance Probability flood.

As a result, Mario is familiar with the HEC-RAS Reference Manual, California Department of Fish and Wildlife bridge guidelines, and CDFW approved 1-percent AEP flood estimation techniques.

Click Here To Contact Mario About His Consulting Services

Hydralic Modeling

From 05/2018 to 08/2019, while working at the Corpus Christi branch of LNV, Inc, Mario's main responsibility was to develop a SewerGEMS based hydraulic wastewater model for the city of Tyler, TX.

Mario became adept in: SewerGEMS, GIS, using excel for complex data analysis, analyzing rain and sewer gauge data, and interpreting as-builts while building the model.

Developing a city-wide interactive model familiarized Mario with, the complexities and challenges of modeling and improving a typical wastewater distribution system.

As part of Mario's corollary duties at LNV: He developed multiple figures and tables, sized pumps and impellers, communicated with clients, wrote a technical modeling report, developed modeling schedules and budgets, and wrote an internal modeling instruction manual.

Click Here To See Mario's Resume

Graduate Project

From 01/2021 to the present, as part of his culminating graduate project, Mario has been working with Professor Victor Miguel Ponce.

The project (titled: A Comparison of Conventional and Cybernetic Hydrologic Balance Models for Three Basins in California) involved: the acquisition and manipulation of large remotely sensed hydrologic datasets, the use of computer programs (MATLAB, ArcMap, and HTML), and writing a technical report.

Currently, Professor Ponce and Mario are preparing the associated report for publication.

This experience familiarized Mario with, the complexities of managing a project in a timely manner as well as gave him insight into the proper implementation of hydrologic balances.

Click Here To See Mario's Culminating Graduate Project